Saturday, November 23, 2013


I always find it amazing how people my age are living their dream, while I'm still down here burying my head in books and hoping for a better life in future.
I'm 20, turning 21 soon. Will I ever start to fight for it?

A shooting star for everyone to have a chance for their dream to come true.

First test of Year2 Sem1 and I totally screwed it up. I totally hate how I have all the answers in my mind yet I got things wrong, not because I didn't study for it but rather chose the wrong thing to write. It's too ridiculous, what was I thinking at that time? Totally ridiculous how I'm tested on memorization and speed writing instead of how I really understand omg, not saying that I truly appreciate 2015 for it's application because the papers are so damn hard. To think I thought I could actually get a sem whereby I could get a second upper. That goal seems so far, but it's okay, remaining 4 papers will make up for it.